Thursday, March 29, 2012

Grateful for Functional, Fun & Cute Toddler Clothes


Today I'm grateful for functional, fun & cute toddler clothes.  I have a passion for clothes.  It started in middle school and has lasted a lifetime.  It was reinforced when I got my first job:  I was very lucky to work for a credit union that served Macy's employees and thus our offices were in Macy's stores.  Not only did I get to walk past all the clothes every day on my way in and out of work, but I also received a discount.  Beyond that, some of the folks that worked at the credit union were former Macy's team members who still had connections to the current Macy's team and thus knew about sales and great deals early and often.  It was pretty fantastic.  So, when we found out we were having a daughter, I was really pretty fired up about being able to pick out clothes for her.  I'm confident that this will all backfire at some point and at 13 or 14 she'll decide that she's rebelling by wearing only one outfit that is bright orange with green horizontal stripes.  Luckily, if that does happen, my dear friend Thomas will be available to help me with an intervention.  I digress...

As a "newer" mom, I was blissfully unaware of the complexities of finding clothes that are not just cute, (because there are TONS of cute outfits), but functional.  What I've learned as we've tried different outfits is that in my opinion, the best choices are really "blousy" tops with jeans or leggings.  Dresses are also very cute, but didn't work well until she could walk.  I just felt lousy putting her in a dress when she was trying to crawl.  Again, not something that I considered until I had a little girl, but trying to crawl in a dress is just a pain.  The dress gets in the way.  As much as I love clothes, I also think that a kid should be a kid.  She needs to get dirty and messy and crawl and walk and roll on the ground.  No matter how cute, her clothes can't get in the way of that.

So, one of my favorite outfits is a gift from our dear friend Amy Stanton for MacKenzie's birthday.  It fits her so well.  It's comfortable (leggings instead of low rider jeans:  have you ever seen a little kid try to walk in low rider jeans?  Again, the jeans just get in the way).  It's super fun and adorable.  It's the perfect lady toddler "kit."  She was wearing it today and I captured a couple of pictures.  It's a little hard to get her to stand or sit still, so I'm not sure you get the full view of her outfit, but you'll get a sense:

There's a lot to learn when you are a new mom.  Some of it is really hard and painful.  Some of it, like finding what clothes are the most fun and flexible is just a joy.  I'm grateful.

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