Greetings on Grateful Day #30! Here's my top ten list today:
(1) I'm grateful for having a great lunch today. I met some new fun people, learned a more about one of our business partners and had an awesome sandwich.
(2) I'm grateful for all I that I learned today about tanning. The folks I had lunch with were telling me all about it. I haven't been to a tanning salon in more than 10 years (at least). It seems a lot has changed. You can pick different kinds of tans. There are beds that make you not feel like you are in a coffin. Who knew? I'm grateful for learning something new today.
(3) I'm grateful for colorful heels. They make black suits much more fun.
(4) I'm grateful that I survived running past the creepy lady for the 100th time today. I pass a woman almost every morning when I run who carries an umbrella no matter what the weather. (Yes, this is different than the crabby woman that I also pass on most mornings and no, that woman hasn't smiled at me yet!) She doesn't wave and she always looks at me with dagger eyes. My heart starts racing every morning because I'm just not entirely sure what's going on with this person. I'm hoping she is just a crabby and cautious walker and not a serial killer. I'm going to keep trying my stock response: smiling as much as I can. What else is there to do??
(5) I'm grateful for the pictures Grandma Marge sent to us last night. Reminded me of our fun week. Here are a few:
(6) I'm grateful for my dear friend Kelly. She's super smart, very kind and generous. She's a great mom and a great friend. She and I were pregnant at the same time and we have a lot in common. She came and rescued me several times when I first had MacKenzie and needed a few minutes to workout and didn't have much back-up. She's on my mind because I'll get to see her next week at GAC. I'm grateful for that as well!
(7) I'm grateful for my dear friend Dawn. She sent MacKenzie a gorgeous scarf and she absolutely loves it. Dawn is a long time friend with one of the biggest hearts on the planet. She's a spectacular mom and friend. She's creative and funny and super generous. She has a way of "just knowing" when I need a card or a call to connect. Just wish we lived closer. Her birthday is tomorrow. Happy Birthday Dawn!
(8) I'm grateful for those runs when I just feel light and full of energy. There are a lot of daily runs that I love doing because I love how I feel when the run is over, but that I really slog through. I feel like my feet are stuck in cement and I have to play mind games just to keep myself from looking at my watch to see how far I've gone. Having had to "hit pause" on my running career when we were pregnant with MacKenzie, I am grateful for every run, but I'm especially grateful for those runs when I just feel amazing every steep of the way.
(9) I'm grateful for gin & tonics. I haven't had one in a really long time, but they are one of my very favorite adult beverages. I used to wonder why in the world my mom drank them when I was little because they smelled like pine trees. I couldn't imagine they tasted good. They are so refreshing and delicious. Cheers.
(10) I'm grateful for having taken this challenge. It's helped me to gain perspective and value the many fantastic people and things in my life.
Wondering what happens on day 31? Meet you back here tomorrow and we'll see what the day brings...
You inspire me on so many levels. I'm not a runner but get your commitment which I follow through with walking up and down hills. I relish the view of downtown LA on my walks and the stars when I'm in the desert. I've been thinking about gratitude lately and today was grateful for the lady I see almost every day I drive to work. She walks backward down the street with a coffee in hand looking over her shoulder for cars or other walkers I assume. This always makes me laugh and I wonder if her shoulder hurts from her permament glance over, but she makes me smile.