Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Grateful for Daily Learning

Tonight I'm grateful for being able to learn new things every single day.  What I learn isn't always miraculous and big.  Sometimes it is just a new way to make MacKenzie smile.  Sometimes it is something new that MacKenzie learned (learning about learning: whew!).  Sometimes it is insight into how another person thinks.  Sometimes it is learning about leadership by watching other leaders.  Sometimes it is a new training technique that might make me a better runner. Whether it is about parenting or working or running, it makes me better.  It can be hard and even painful, but I'm so happy to be able to do it.
Today I learned a few things:

(1)  I learned that there is a school for auctioneers.  I saw two very talented auctioneers today.  They were a mother and daughter team.  It was really fun to watch them work.  They connected with the audience and were incredibly engaging.  I had no idea you could go to school to learn that skill.  Really interesting.  Here's a photo of Jill Doherty & Erin Nolan the auctioneers:

(2)  I learned that MacKenzie knows the words hair and arm.  She isn't articulating them well, but she can definitely identify what they are.
(3)  I learned that a man named Daryl Osler is working on developing a form of extremely fast transportation via evacuated tubes.  If it works, you could literally get from  DC to Beijing in two hours.   Think of all the travel we could do!

(4)  I learned that there is a 7-11 slightly closer to our office than the one I've been going to when I need a fountain diet coke fix.

Good learning today.  Until tomorrow...

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