(1) I'm grateful for the lack of wind this morning on my run. It's been a very windy running week and it was amazing how effortless it felt this morning without it.
(2) I'm grateful for family vacations. It is really good to have time with the people you love.
(3) I'm grateful for the vacation to Ireland that Amy & I are planning for our 40th birthday. We went to Europe the summer between our junior and senior year at U of M. Our husband's go on a golf trip every summer. Thus, we've decided we need a really great trip the year we turn 40. Ireland is the spot. It's also a way to make that birthday year a little less painful.
(4) I'm grateful for the trips we've taken to Colorado. All of them have been fantastic. The first was Scott & my very first trip as a couple. We hiked and camped and spent time with Eric while he was at Colorado State. One of the best trips of my life. Subsequently we went back to celebrate Eric graduating from college. Despite running out of booze during the family celebration due to blue laws, we had a great celebration. Our last trip was the year before we got pregnant. We met my mom and Scott's parents and spent a week hiking. Eric was there working and Marien also joined us. Jeff, Eric, Scottie and I attempted to climb Long's Peak. Eric & Scott made it to the summit. I made it to the keyhole and then had to stop due to my terror at the extreme heights and small paths. Jeff made it further than I did, but came back and kept me company while we waited for Eric and Scott to finish up. One of my favorite few hours with one of my favorite people on the planet. My father-in-law is a quiet and funny genius. There are few people I'd rather wait at the top of a mountain with. It was a really amazing day.
(5) I'm grateful for our trips to San Francisco. The best one of all time was the year we got engaged just south of the city in Davenport. We'd just finished camping and were on the beach enjoying wine and cheese. That beach will always be one of my favorites. We've been back several times. We are lucky to have Eric and Marien living there and it's really fun to have loved ones living in such an amazing place. I'll be there for work this spring. Can't wait.
(6) I'm grateful for our trip to Vancouver. Another one of my all time favorite trips. I was going for work and Scott and I went the week before and vacationed. We celebrated both our anniversary and my 30th birthday. We hiked, we stayed at the most amazing B & B, we walked nearly 20 miles on my birthday, we had one of the most amazing meals, we posed with hundreds of bears, we saw the most gorgeous flowers at Butchart Gardens, and we met Ice Cube. Glorious week.
(7) I'm grateful for all of my trips home to Michigan. I miss my friends and family like crazy and there is very little that feels as good as turning onto Foust Road and pulling into the driveway at my mom's farm. I get flooded with memories every time. Last summer was MacKenzie's first trip to Hillsdale. It was so special to have her there. We're headed back this July. It'll be even more fun now that she's a little older and can experience it even more fully.
(8) I'm grateful for our annual trips to Pittsburgh. Since Amy & Curt moved there we've started a little tradition of going to visit every year. It's so great to have time with my best friend and her amazing children. It's also really fun to have a couple that we both enjoy hanging out with so much. We're working on getting it scheduled for this summer.
(9) I'm grateful for all of our trips to Milwaukee. I love Scott's parents home. Even though I didn't grow up there, it somehow feels very much like my home too. Jeff has the most glorious rose garden. They always have great food and great wine. We've been to the zoo and the Wisconsin State Fair. We've seen Dave play at Alpine Valley. We've been to the museum and I've run my long runs along Lake Michigan. Scottie gets to play golf at their club. We're hoping to get there for Labor Day this year. This will be MacKenzie's first trip to WI. Yeah!
(10) I'm grateful for our trips to Memphis. My last time there was just after Jude was born. It was so fun to meet him for the first time and see my sweet cousin as a mom. She was so happy. I really love Memphis as a city. Scott and I went there for Memphis in May when we were in Chicago. The river is such a presence and the city has such a fun history. The last time we were there before Jude was born we went with Danielle and John to the Civil Rights Museum. Very moving. The other great thing about visiting Danielle is that there she and John love Mexican food as much as we do so we almost always a tasty quesadilla-filled meal.
We've been lucky to have traveled to some amazing places so far. I'm super grateful.
See you back here tomorrow from Orlando!
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