Sunday, March 4, 2012

Grateful Day #19

Greetings from Grateful Day #19 which is also our second day in Florida.  Here's the top ten list for today:
(1)  I'm grateful for cheese & crackers.  Stearns & I used to have wine, cheese & crackers once a week before MIS arrived.  We had it tonight with the Stearns clan.  Simple. Delicious.

(2)  I'm grateful for MIS loving the characters at the character lunch.  She was so pleased to see Pooh, Tiger and Piglet.  She tried to kiss Pooh and Tiger and had a high five for them all.

(3)  I'm grateful for finding a Publix.  We really needed some of MIS' staple foods and we weren't finding them at Whole Foods.  Publix did the trick.

(4)  I'm grateful for the baby pool.  MacKenzie had such a great time tonight.  Dumbo was spraying into the water and she loved it.  She was enjoying splashing me in the face.  Every time she splashed me she roared with laughter.  Awesome.
(5)  I'm grateful for the hot tub.  I was so cold after the baby pool and it felt so good to be warm.  It also completely relaxed MacKenzie.  Awesome all the way around.
(6)  I'm grateful for making it back alive after my run this morning.  There was a pretty intense thunderstorm and I had a branch drop on my head.  It was slightly frightening.  It felt good to get back without any major injury.

(7)  I'm grateful for our cousin Chris' ice cream bowl and spoon.  Licking his spoon and bowl kept her happy for nearly 30 minutes today.  It also made most of us laugh for about that same amount of time.
(8)  I'm grateful for the coffee Dana made today.  It was so much better than the crappy coffee Scott tried to get for us.  Delicious.  Caffeine.
(9)  I'm grateful for naturally curly hair.  As much as I've fought it all my life, it's nice to be able to make a choice and wear it either way.
(10)  I'm grateful for how sweet MIS looked when she crashed in the backpack after the character lunch.  Darling.  Peaceful.

Until tomorrow:  Cheers!

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