Friday, March 9, 2012

Grateful Day #24

Greetings at the end of the week.  It's grateful day #24 and our vacation is rapidly coming to a close.  It's hard to see a good thing end.  Here's my top ten list for the day:
(1)  I'm grateful for being here at Epcot during the flower show.  It was just gorgeous today.  I am simply amazed at how they create life-size characters out of flowers, moss and other garden-like materials.  Awesome.

(2)  I'm grateful for the three playgrounds we found at Epcot today.  They were absolutely fantastic and MIS had a wonderful time playing.

(3)  I'm grateful for knowing that when MacKenzie is happy, it's priceless.  I watched several parents yank their young kids kicking and screaming off the very cool playground equipment saying, "we didn't pay this much for you to play on a playground."  I do understand that coming here is very expensive, but for me, if our girl is loving a really cool playground, that's the place we'll stay.

(4)  I'm grateful for the way that Florida rainstorms work.  While it looked threatening today, there were really only three downpours and we were able to enjoy the day regardless.
(5)  I'm grateful for Dana and Lisa arranging this week's events.  They are definitely the Disney experts and it was awesome to have the week with our family.  Thanks guys!
(6)  I'm grateful for the Disney guy who stopped us today and asked if he could take our picture.  We really have so few photos of the three of us and it was really cool of him to take a minute to get a nice shot.
(7)  I'm grateful for the fact that it's going to be 65 degrees in New York tomorrow.  That will make for an easier transition back to the North.
(8)  I'm grateful for MIS learning to say "hail" in the hail to the victors song tonight.  She was yelling "hail" in the store.  What a moment!
(9)  I'm grateful for the many funny conversations that you can't help but overhear when you are in an amusement park packed with people.  The highlight from today was a conversation Scott overheard. A mom was talking to her small child who was having a tantrum.  In a very quiet and calm voice she said, "You'd better stop acting this way now or you will regret it.  Also, you'd better stop embarrassing me right now or I'm going to start embarrassing you."  Seriously.  People do talk like this.  My second favorite comment was one that I overheard.  A dad went over to one of the people working at Epcot and said, "Excuse me.  I just wanted to let you know that there is a rabbit dropping over there.  I wanted to tell you before someone stepped in it."  Good times.
(10)  I'm grateful for the nap I was able to take this afternoon while MIS napped.  I was really tired and am trying to fight off this cold.  It was good to get some sleep.
Wishing you a happy Friday.  Until tomorrow...

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