Greetings on Grateful Day #23. I did miss day #22. There was simply no way to get to my laptop last night, so tonight, there will be 20:
(1) I'm grateful for the Pooh Bear ride at the Magic Kingdom. Absolutely loved it as did MacKenzie.
(2) I'm grateful for bananas. MIS ate three today. She's a super big fan.
(3) I'm grateful for anti-congestion medication. It makes dealing with a rotten cold tolerable.
(4) I'm grateful for sunscreen. I'm not sure what we'd do with MIS' fair skin without it.
(5) I'm grateful for Space Mountain. It was my first roller coaster ride in probably ten years. It was fun to scream and giggle.
(6) I'm grateful for Faye Stearns. She has been my bath time helper every night in Florida with MIS. It's really nice to have another set of hands.
(7) I'm grateful for having a few more years before MIS is coming home with homework. Watching the kids do homework on this trip has got me slightly nervous for the homework to come.
(8) I'm grateful for Alice in Wonderland. Seeing her this week reminded me of how much I love that story. I'm especially grateful for the Mad Hatter. I would love to have tea with him.
(9) I'm grateful for the joy on Grandma Margie's face when MIS reached over to hug her several times this week. It's really cool to see how much people love our girl.
(10) I'm grateful for all the help that Grandpa Jeff gave us this week with MIS. She really does adore him and he has a great way of quietly taking her and letting her stretch her legs and get the space she needs when she is melting down. My favorite moment was when he suggested renting a surrey. We biked around the big loop with MIS and Faye in the basket in front. So fun.
(11) I'm grateful for all the green in Florida this time of year. It does my heart good to see so much green. I can't wait for the spring in New York.
(12) I'm grateful for that MIS didn't get stung by a bee today. Not only would it have been awful for her, but it would have brought the day to a screeching halt.
(13) I'm grateful for the little playground by the pool. MIS and played there this morning before we left for the park and she was super happy to slide down the slide three times.
(14) I'm grateful for giggling kids. It really is a great sound.
(15) I'm grateful for swim diapers. I gotta ask: what did people do before those were invented? Yikes.
(16) I'm grateful for that Scott's glasses didn't break completely when MIS pulled them off his face at the Animal Kingdom.
(17) I'm grateful for the times in my life when my toes have looked so much better than they do now. I'm hopeful that they will look that good again.
(18) I'm grateful for being mostly disconnected from technology for most of the week. It feels good.
(19) I'm grateful for not inhaling any dog hair this week. As much as I love our girl Althea, I do not miss waking up with hair all over when I'm trying to sleep.
(20) I'm grateful that I haven't yet seen a snake on any of my runs. I've been very nervous all week that one is going to peak out at me. Let's hope I make it for the rest of the week without an encounter.
Whew...twenty in one night is tough. Until tomorrow...
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