Saturday, March 10, 2012

Grateful Day #25

Greetings on Grateful Day #25.  Back in New York and here's what I'm grateful for today:
(1)  I'm grateful for being home.  It was a great vacation, but it's also great to be home.  MIS was so happy to be here.  She was thrilled to see "doggy" and her toys.
(2)  I'm grateful for MIS finally falling asleep on the flight.  After 15-20 minutes of screaming and crying, she finally gave up and crashed.  I'm confident the man that sat next to us is telling his family tonight that he sat next to a terrorist toddler.
(3)  I'm grateful for how pretty the country was today as we flew over it.  MIS was excited about the clouds.
(4)  I'm grateful that neither of the wine bottles we packed broke on our travels home today.  It would have really been rotten if our clothes were covered in wine.
(5)  I'm grateful for a wireless connection that works for more than 30 seconds.  Writing this will take half as long as it did all last week.  Lots of great things about Disney...wireless service is not one of them.
(6)  I'm grateful for Althea holding down the fort and being in good shape upon our return.  It's always a little stressful when we leave her for the first time in a new home.  She's a good old dog.
(7)  I'm grateful for the "Happy & You Know It" app MIS and I found today.  She loves it.
(8)  I'm grateful for being unpacked.  As little as I wanted to unpack when we got home, I would have been very unhappy to have to do it in the morning.  Particularly since I need to pack again tomorrow night.
(9)  I'm grateful for the Terry Gross interview with Maya Rudolph we heard on our way to the airport.  Love Terry Gross.  Love Maya Rudolph.  Will have to find it and stream the rest of it tomorrow.

(10)  I'm grateful for our last morning in Florida.  We played at a different playground and MIS dug in the sand.  It was fun.
Until tomorrow...

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