Wednesday, February 15, 2012


My new boss has been talking lately about a challenge she and her friends did around being grateful.  Essentially for 30 days they all challenged one another to write daily about items for which they were grateful.  They found it to be so useful that some of them are continuing beyond the initial challenge period.  

At the end of last week I ended up having one of my notorious bouts of worry.  Unlike many people in my life who are more confident than me and believe that “everything happens for a reason,” I tend to fear a lot of bad things happening for any number of random reasons.  As happens somewhat frequently, I woke up Monday morning at 3:30 sweating and for two hours stewed fitfully trying to figure out how I’d keep my daughter fed and clothed if every terrible thing I could imagine came to fruition.  When my alarm clock went off and I started pounding  the pavement (literally) the endorphins from my run did their job, my day started as usual and my darkest fears were not realized.  Deep breath.  However, as I ran I started to think just how important a challenge like the one my boss took is.  I don’t promote being a worry wart, but one of the benefits of all that worry is that when you’ve painted the very grimmest of pictures for yourself and those grim terrors don’t become real, suddenly the things that you were complaining about yesterday don’t seem nearly so bad.  However, it doesn’t always last.  So, I’m starting my own 30 day challenge starting today.  Here are my rules:
  • Each day I’m going to write down my top ten items I’m grateful for.  
  • I’m not going to torture myself about the top ten being profound. I’m encouraging myself to write what comes to mind first.
  • I’m going to try not to duplicate the top ten on any of the 30 days.  
  • I’m going to publish them here.
Here’s my list for today:

(1)  I’m grateful that my daughter’s hair stands on end every morning when I go to get her out of her crib.  I giggle every time I see her.
(2)  I’m grateful for my daily run.  No matter what it leaves me feeling better.

(3)  I’m grateful for my Grandma Edith’s ring that I wear everyday.  I look at it and think of her and remember that I have stones in my spine.  

(4)  I’m grateful for our mild winter.  I’ll take 45 degrees all day long.
(5)  I’m grateful for coffee and Diet Coke.  Caffeine.  Carbonation.  Joy.

(6)  I’m grateful that I can afford to buy disposable diapers.  Seriously grateful.
(7)  I’m grateful for my mom & dad.  Nobody loves me more.

(8)  I’m grateful for audio books.  Keeps me reading with so little time.
(9)  I’m grateful for MacKenzie’s giggles.  I’d give about anything to hear her laugh.  
(10)  I’m grateful for my one hour of time each night when I’m a vegetable.  MIS safely in bed, not checking messages, Cabernet in hand, brainless TV on.  I know it’s bad, but it’s so good.

More tomorrow...

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