Friday, February 24, 2012

Grateful Day #10

It's Friday and my tenth day of being consciously grateful.  Here's the list for today:

(1)  I'm grateful for straws.  I love drinking from a straw as it's just more fun.  It's particularly good if it's a fountain soda and a straw.  Scott got me these amazing straws from Starbucks several years ago.  They are the best straws ever.

(2)  I'm grateful for Beverly Hills 90210.  Not the new version, although I'm watching that out of nostalgia for the original.  It is one of my all time favorite shows.  They were in high school when I was in high school. They were in college when I was in college. Their first years of the "real world" coincided with mine.  My two favorite episodes are the finale when David and Donna finally get married and they leave you believing that Kelly and Dylan will likely get together and the "Donna Martin graduates" episode. What could be better than an entire senior class chanting together for Donna to graduate despite getting drunk at prom.  It wasn't Donna's fault...she just didn't know how champagne would impact her! LOL.

(3)  I'm grateful for being around before Borders went out of business.  The Borders in downtown Ann Arbor was just fantastic.  I went there hundreds of times with my mom and spent hours just looking at books and choosing some of my favorite books in the world.

(4)  I'm grateful for chipatis.  I only wish that I could find one anywhere other than Ann Arbor.  I'm grateful to Pizza House for realizing that creating a yummy warm pita and stuffing it with salad fixings would be amazing.  The dressing is to die for as well.  My mouth is watering.

(5)  I'm grateful for my brother-in-law Eric.  He hates technology so he will likely never read this.  But, he's sensitive and kind.  He remembers everyone's birthday without any technology assistance.  He has always made me feel comfortable in all family situations.  We miss him and wish we lived closer.  I know MacKenzie is going to adore him.  As an only child, I'm really glad to have a brother.

(6)  I'm grateful for having picnics in cemeteries with my grandma Edith.  I know that may sound weird, but it was really pretty normal and somewhat wonderful.  My grandma did genealogy and as part of that process she traveled to graveyards to research her work.  She frequently took my cousin Danielle and me and we'd make a day of it.
(7)  I'm grateful for my parents taking me camping.  The kind of camping where in order to get clean you had to take a bath in Lake Superior.  The water was extraordinarily cold and extraordinarily clean.  Our weeks in the UP were magical.

(8)  I'm grateful for George Takei.  I love when he announces on Howard.  His voice is amazing and he's one of the all time best sports.

(9)  I'm grateful for flat irons.  I have way fewer bad hair days since I started using a flat iron.  It simply makes my hair more manageable.
(10)  I'm grateful for "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle."  Another one of my favorite movies.  Rebecca De Mornay is just terrifying.  When she gets angry and her upper lip starts to curl, you just know that she is seriously scary.  Plus, the house that the family lives in is just gorgeous.

That's all for tonight.  Cheers to the weekend!

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