Greetings from Grateful Day #14. Warning: today's list also includes a list. I may be coming a bit list happy.
(1) I'm grateful for how warm the sun was today. At lunch time I took a few minutes to sit in my car and eat my packed wrap sandwich and listen to "The Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest." The sun was beaming in and it felt amazing.
(2) I'm grateful for "Bethenny Ever After." It just cracks me up. Yes, I do realize I have a TV addiction. Our DVR makes it possible as you need half the time and can watch when you are able. It's sometimes fun to just save up shows until you really need them.
(3) I'm grateful for MacKenzie's new obsession with rolling over. Every night after bath time she runs out and starts collapsing on the floor and giggling while rolling around. It's particularly funny because she seems to have almost forgotten how to roll over, but she almost seems as though she is choreographing little tumbling routines. Above all else, she just cracks herself up the entire time. I can't get enough.
(4) I'm grateful for fairies. Who wouldn't love to be lithe, beautiful and be able to fly about and make people happy. Great gig if you could get it.
(5) I'm grateful for the make-up that I have yet to find that will make me look less tired. I'd be eternally grateful if someone read this and could share the magical make-up that I could use under my eyes to make me look more like I did in my 20's. Please.
(6) I'm grateful for MacKenzie trying to say "I love you." So sweet.
(7) I'm grateful for scarves. They are lovely and my mother-in-law has given me many that are just gorgeous. I'm working on remembering to wear them. I realized today though why men get sick of ties. Wearing something somewhat tight on your neck all day gets a little tiring. It's fun to take it off when the day ends.
(8) I'm grateful for my dear friend Melissa. She called me yesterday and it was so great to catch up.
(9) I'm grateful for macadamia nuts. Again, I haven't had one in a very long time, but they are so crunchy and delicious. I could eat jars and jars at one sitting if only I could. If I have teeth when I'm 90+, I will eat macadamia nuts every single day.
(10) I'm grateful for this list. It's from a pretty fun site: It just cracks me up. Check it out: In 1923, the Legal Aid Society of New York City published some advice to wives in the area, in the form of the following list of rules. (Source: Family (Great Contemporary Issues.); Image via.)
1. Don't be extravagant. Nothing appeals more strongly to a man than the prospect of economic independence.
2. Keep your home clean. Nothing is more refreshing to the eyes of the tired, nerve-racked worker than the sight of a well-tidied home.
3. Do not permit your person to become unattractive. A slovenly wife makes a truant husband.
4. Do not receive attention from other men. Husbands are often jealous and some are suspicious without cause. Do not supply the cause. Friendly attentions from others may be received in a spirit of perfect innocence. When reported by the busy-body they become distorted, often criminal.
5. Do not resent reasonable discipline of children by their father. Mothers should not assume that all chastisement of a child by his father is severe and unjustifiable.
6. Do not spend too much time with your mother. You may easily, in such a way, spend too little time at home.
7. Do not accept advice from neighbors, or even stress too greatly that of your own family. Think for yourself. Have a plan of your own for solution of home problems. In all causes consult freely with your husband.
8. Do not disparage your husband.
9. Smile. Be attentive in little things. An indifferent wife is often supplanted by an ardent mistress.
10. Be tactful. Be feminine. Men, in the last analysis, are but over-grown children. They do not mind coaxing, but they resent coercion. Femininity attracts and compels them. Masculinity in the females repels.
I'm still giggling. I clearly wouldn't have survvived one day in 1923.
Cheers to the Legal Aid Society and their very sound advice. Until tomorrow...
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