Thursday, February 23, 2012

Grateful Day #9

It's Thursday night and day number nine of the grateful challenge.  Here's my top ten for today:
(1)  I'm grateful for my dear friend Thomas.  He's handsome, funny, brilliant, an excellent shopper, a fabulous pen pal and one of my favorite human beings on the planet.

(2)  I'm grateful for Thomas' Valentine's Day gift which arrived today.  A super fun necklace and an awesome shoe which is going to make my desk at work much more fun.
(3)  I'm grateful for the purple wrapping material that Thomas wrapped my Valentine's gift in.  It was not only fun and pretty, but it entertained MIS for 20+ minutes tonight.
(4)  I'm grateful for the little girl at the market today who picked up the tortilla shells that I dropped.  It is extraordinarily difficult to bend over and pick something up when carrying a 26 pound child.
(5)  I'm grateful for having seen the beauty of Tarrytown.  We visited a spot for our strategy session there today.  It's really a gorgeous area.  Plus with its proximity to Sleepy Hollow, it promises to be an amazing Halloween spot.

(6)  I'm grateful for the power coming back on at work today.  We had a short power outage.  It was a good reminder of how dependent we are on electricity.  Was super glad when it came back.
(7)  I'm grateful for HGTV.  It really is a good channel for when I wake-up in the middle of the night and need to be mindless and fall back asleep.

(8)  I'm grateful for Thomas Harris.  Silence of the Lambs is one of the best books and movies.  Where would we be without Hannibal Lecter?

(9)  I'm grateful for Anthony Hopkins.  There is nobody better suited to play Hannibal Lecter.

(10)  I'm grateful for Footloose.  There are so many reasons to love this movie:  First, there's the music.  Second, Kevin Bacon is both fun and hot.  Third, it's early Sara Jessica's hard to imagine her in Sex in the City when watching that movie.  Fourth, there's all the dancing.  Finally, there's the red leather boots.  It's pure fun from start to finish.

Until tomorrow...

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