Monday, February 20, 2012

Grateful Day #6

As the long weekend comes to a close...
(1)  I am grateful for the winter. It makes the spring and summer that much sweeter.
(2)  I am grateful for airplanes.  Bringing my loved ones to see me.  Yeah.
(3)  I am grateful for dishwashers.  Life's little conveniences.
(4)  I am grateful for bath time with MIS.  There is a moment when she really relaxes every night and it is so sweet.

(5)  I am grateful for Face Time.  Great way for the Grandparents to see our peanut and interact with her from across the miles.
(6)  I am grateful for having taken typing in high school.  I was so bitter about it when I had to sign up.  My life would be much slower if I hadn't.  Good stuff.

(7)  I am grateful for Pat Pastula.  If he hadn't been my track coach, I'm not sure I would be half the person I am and I'm sure I wouldn't be half the runner.
(8)  I am grateful for belly laughs with my friends.  Very little feels as good as giggling until it hurts.

(9)  I am grateful for tin foil.  It makes packing my wrap sandwiching for lunch possible and easy.
(10)  I am grateful for the bubbles that shampoo creates.  They make my daughter happy and smiley.

Until tomorrow...

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