Monday, February 27, 2012

Grateful Day #13

Grateful Day #13
Greetings on a Monday.  Here's my top ten list for today:
(1)  I'm grateful for carmel cheese popcorn.  I haven't had it since we left Chicago and I'm confident that if I saw the calorie and fat count, I'd fall over.  But it's delicious, delicious, delicious.

(2)  I'm grateful for jukeboxes.  It is really a lot of fun to be able to play music of your choosing when you are at a bar.
(3)  I'm grateful for Vince Vaughn.  From the way he says "beautiful babies" in "Swingers" to his disgust during the singing in the dinner scene in "The Break-Up" to nearly every one of his scenes in "Wedding Crashers" to the amazing dad he plays in "A Cool Dry Place," he is one of my all time favorite actors.

(4)  I'm grateful for street lights.  They make running at ungodly hours less frightening.
(5)  I'm grateful for raisins.  I hadn't had one in years until we starting giving them to MacKenzie.  We also discovered golden raisins which I had never had.  Yum.

(6)  I'm grateful for "Great Expectations."  One of my favorite novels of all time.  Pip, Estella & Miss Havisham.  Brilliant.

(7)  I'm grateful for my Boston marathon jacket.  I just get so happy whenever I wear it.  I've never worked so hard to earn a jacket.
(8)  I'm grateful for crayons.  MIS is learning to color and I'd forgotten how much fun it is.
(9)  I'm grateful for "The Sound of Music."  The songs are so fun to sing and I remember when I was growing up watching it every year during the holidays with my cousins.

(10)  I'm grateful for being able to suspend my disbelief.  As cynical as I can be at times, it is really fun to believe that everything will turn out alright when I'm watching a movie or TV show.  It's also just as fun to get completely terrified reading a scary novel even though I know it's a story.  It's all about suspending my disbelief.  A good gift.

Cheers to a good week ahead.

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