Thursday, December 16, 2010

Weird things you see on walks

My mother-in-law has been extremely helpful to me since the baby was born.  She has a great memory about the challenges and is very practical about solutions.  She's had several ideas and survival tools that have become my saving graces.  One of her great ideas when she was here was:  get out and walk!  She suggested twice a day and we've pretty much stuck to that.  We have three different modes of transportation for MacKenzie:
(1)  The Baby Bjorn.  This is particularly effective on very cold days.  Not only can I bundle her up before she gets in, but I can zip her into one of Scott's coats that I wear as well. We look like a two-headed monster.  We are both very warm too!
(2)  The BOB.  Yes, my jogging stroller works now for running.  It's also pretty good in the cold as it has a nice cover over the front.  I do have to resist the urge to try running.  Still waiting on that neck control :-)
(3)  Our umbrella stroller.  Another great idea that my mother-in-law had.  It's so easy to use and lightweight.  It's also great for when we might want to run into Walgreens quickly.

Our walks are fun.  Even though it's chilly, the fresh air feels amazing.  I try to point things out to MacKenzie.  I doubt very much that she knows what in the world I'm talking about.  I am also always on the hunt for "new friends."  I was so sure there would be people out walking too that would be anxious to chat with me.  Not so much.  On a lucky day there will be someone repairing a sidewalk who might nod "hello." 

Yesterday, we saw something odd.  A key hanging from a tree.  This was a tree in someone's front yard.  I wondered what the story might be?  Did someone just drop this and another friendly walker hung it up thinking they'd see it?  Is this a really bad attempt at a hide-a-key?  I'm sure there is a story here.  Wish I knew what it was.

What'll we see on our walk today??

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