Friday, December 24, 2010


Traditions.  The holidays remind me of the festive traditions I've been exposed to and the traditions we hope to create for MacKenzie.  Some of my favs from childhood include:
  • Reading "A Christmas Carol" with my dad every year
  • Christmas Eve at my mom's house with my grandma, cousins, aunts & uncles
  • Christmas shopping with my mom & grandma every year
  • Macadamia nuts & jelly bellies in my stocking
Some of my more recent favs include:
  • Running on Christmas morning with some kind of holiday gear
  • Attending the Christmas Carol with Scott's family
  • Champagne on Christmas morning

We hope to help create some traditions with MacKenzie that she can carry forward.  I hope she finds some traditions of her own that she finds meaningful as well.  As you can see, we did live up to our commitment to wrapping gifts.  We know she won't remember this year, but we've started the tradition.  :-) 

The tree & our stockings look beautiful tonight.  I'm excited for tomorrow morning.  Let the traditions begin!

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