This was MacKenzie's outfit today. I admit I'm a lazy mom when it comes to clothes. It's sad because I'm a clothes horse. I am hoping to raise a daughter who loves a fun outfit with even more fabulous shoes as much as I do. I imagine days when she & I will shop together and "ooh & ahh" over the perfect outfit. I may be failing already:
We have some super cute two + piece outfits. I rarely use them. When faced with the prospect of changing 10+ diapers in a day with a two+ piece outfit versus a one piece jumper, 9 times out of 10, I choose the jumper. However, today, I put together this ensemble. It's important for this reason: the shirt was the very first "gift" I bought MacKenzie.
Last spring I attended the CUES CEO Institute at Wharton. It was relatively early on in my pregnancy. That stage where as a first time pregger (at least to that stage), I felt enormous. I was sure the whole world "knew" I was pregnant. I wasn't yet wearing maternity clothes, but wearing dresses that are a bit more forgiving to my expanding belly. I had no idea how huge I would eventually get.
Due to our miscarriage, I was a nervous nelly. In case you hadn't guessed, I am also extremely superstitious. So, I was hesitant to buy anything for the baby before she came. One afternoon before the week long session was over, a good friend and I decided to go to the Wharton bookstore. They had the cutest onesies. I stared at them and debated. n that way that only a true control freak can imagine, I worried that a purchase might lead to a disaster. My friend took one look at the blue & red onesie and nodded. I couldn't help myself. I brought the outfit home and hid it at the bottom of one of my drawers. I prayed at night that I hadn't just jinxed our baby. The purchase didn't cause a disaster. Thank goodness.
Fast forward many months to this morning: I was getting MacKenzie dressed and I saw the Wharton onesie. My dear cousin had just sent us a cute pair of red leggings. I debated and imagined the more challenging diaper changes. I dressed her in it on anyway. I found a pair of Michigan socks Grandma Marge bought us. This outfit is literally the smartest thing she'll ever wear.
This morning, we discussed her future at the business school. How smart she already is and the fabulous man she might meet at Wharton or U of M. I cringed when I thought about the future price tag for her education. I know, I know, I might be getting a bit ahead of myself.
I had fun buying her that outfit. It caused me anxiety. It was fun nonetheless. It was fun to put her in it today. Our smart baby girl looked very cute. However, I'm guessing tomorrow we'll be back to a one piece!
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