Sunday, December 26, 2010

It takes a village

On our first Christmas with MacKenzie during nap time, I was able to go for a run.  As I enjoyed each step, I was thinking about this amazing gift that we've been given:  our daughter.  Last year at this time, we were north of San Francisco.  We were enjoying wine country and celebrating with Scott's family. We were also mourning after our miscarriage.  I wasn't sure we'd ever have a baby.  Funny how 365 days can change your life.

What occurred to me yesterday was just how many people we have to thank for helping us "get to" our bundle of joy.  They say that it takes a village to raise a child.  In our case, it took a village to conceive a child.  The following are some of specific villagers I would like to thank.  While they are numbered, they are not necessarily in any particular order...outside of the first one!

(1)  My husband.  First, there are all the obvious "gifts" he gave.  Beyond that, he's been there all the way.  From surviving the miscarriage with me to standing by me every evening as I gave myself my nightly fertility shots to knowing just how to help me cope:  when it was best to suggest a gin & tonic and when it was best to suggest a run to enduring my unending worry once we were finally pregnant with MacKenzie.  I do appreciate him more than he knows.
(2)  Dr. Lavy.  If you are a woman/family struggling with fertility in the CT area, I couldn't recommend anyone more highly.  His practice has this highly emotionally charged process down to a science.  When he discharged us to our ob/gyn he told us, "now we know the formula, so let us know when you are ready again!"
(3)  Tracy at Dr. Lavy's office. She's a nurse at the office.  She told me on our first visit that she was really the person we'd see most often.  That couldn't have been more true.  There were many weeks when I was at the office multiple times every week.  She always had a smile and a warm heart.  When we lost our first baby, she was patient and kind in talking to me on the phone as I sobbed.  She didn't ever lose it with me when I expressed my fear and anxiety.  She was a rock for us. 
(4)  Our families.  Both of our parents and our brother Eric were amazing.  They were kind enough to take multiple calls per day when we really needed support and gave us the space we needed when we simply couldn't talk about it any more.  We are very lucky.
(5)  My friends.  I won't name you all.  I'm not sure you would want to be named.  You know who you are.  Thank you for listening to me cry.  You listened to me worry and wonder.  Thank you for distracting me with laughter and a glass of wine.  Thank you for having lunch.  Thank you for bearing with my weird eating habits both before & after my pregnancy.  I wouldn't have made it without you.

(6)  Greater New Haven Ob/Gyn.  A wonderful practice of midwives, doctors, nurses & staff.  I spent a lot of hours in their care and always felt we were in great hands. 
(7)  Dr. Edusa.  The woman who finally delivered MacKenzie when she arrived.  She was so calm.  She was also a mom.  Her empathy, enthusiasm and expertise were amazing. 
(8)  The nurses at Yale.  It truly is an amazing hospital and the nurses really make it possible.   Cheers.

I'm sure there are more.   I apologize if I've forgotten someone.  Thank you to everyone who helped us get here.  MacKenzie is such a gift.  It takes a village. 

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