Saturday, January 22, 2011

So much going on

I have been less than prolific with my blog posts since heading back to work.  So, hopefully this will catch us up a bit.  It's a challenge getting used to the juggling.  My evening time "post-bedtime" is typically spent logging on to wrap up work.  However, overall we seem to be transitioning pretty well.  Here's the latest:

Last weekend, we had visitors.  My dad came to visit with his girlfriend Polly. My Aunt Tansley came as well.  It was a super nice weekend.  Low the Stearns clan is not particularly mobile or exciting, but it was really nice to have time to visit.  My dad really does have quite a way with MacKenzie.  It is a treat to see your dad with your daughter.  I think it is as close to a "glimpse" of how he was with me when I was little as I can get.  He has a way with babies.  I hope MacKenzie has a chance some day to see her Daddy with her daughter. 

You can see how much MIS & Grandpa really enjoy each other.  We ended the weekend on an unfortunate note:  we all got food poisoning.  I learned that it is really hard to watch a baby when you are sick as a dog.  The good news:  we survived.

Speaking of cool things Dads do:  in case you haven't heard, our area has had a LOT of snow.  It is shaping up to be the kind of winter that makes you wonder why you choose to live in a northern climate.  Nonetheless, after our biggest downfall, Scott spent about five hours shoveling.  He spent some of his time shoveling a path for Althea in our backyard.  It's sort of like a hedge maze made from snow.  Take a look:

In other news, MIS is starting to develop some likes and dislikes. 
Likes bath time.  Here she is after getting clean:

Dislikes:  Her vitamins. They really do smell bad.  :-(

I think that's all the news that is fit to print in Hamden for the night.  Until the next break in the action...

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