Monday, April 2, 2012

Grateful for Guilty Pleasures

Tonight I'm grateful for life's guilty pleasures:  those things that you know aren't really that great for you, but you enjoy so much that you have to partake.  I'm pretty rigid and do not allow myself very many vices, so I'm pretty enthusiastic about the vices I've are a few (which may have been mentioned before on their own, but are referenced here as part of the "guilty pleasures" community:
(1)  Caffeine.  Whether from Diet Coke or Coffee.  It's just what a working mom needs.  I haven't allowed myself one since before we got pregnant with MacKenzie, but if it comes down to it, my ultimate guilty caffeine-filled guilty pleasure would be a Mountain Dew.  Once upon a time.
(2)  Wine.  A glass of cabernet.  Smile.
(3)  DVR'd television.  Mindless decompression.  Awesome.
(4)  Murder mystery novels.  Yes, they may become slightly predictable, but part of the fun is suspending my disbelief.
(5)  Suntanning.  I am crystal clear that it is super bad for me.  I still really love being tan.  I'm bitter about my new found diligence with sunscreen.
(6)  Driving fast.  I love speeding.  Scott reminds me frequently that it is only a question of "when" I'll get a ticket.
(7)  People Magazine.  I'm confident that celebrity gossip is not really healthy for anyone.  I still love reading the magazine cover to cover.

Cheers to life's guilty pleasures.  Indulging isn't great, but having a few vices makes us human.  I'm as human as they come.

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