Thursday, January 19, 2012

When I was your age...

We've all laughed over time about our parents or grandparents saying things like, "When I was your age, we had to walk to school and it was five miles each way and there were huge snowdrifts and we didn't even have boots."  (Your loved one's version might be slightly different, but you get the idea.)  I'm pretty confident MacKenzie's version of this, as she rolls her eyes, will be, "my mom is always saying, when I was your age, we didn't have any of the technology that you did.  Ugh." Here's why:
My darling girl is 15 months old.  Her new favorite thing:  my iPad.
She's 15 months old and if she sees it, she screams and cries if I won't let her play with it.  She knows herself as "Kenzie" and she also knows that on the iPad there are lots of pictures of "Kenzie."  So, when she sees the iPad she screams, "Kenzie.  Kenzie.  Kenzie."  She knows how to browse through my pictures with two fingers.  She swipes away.  It's not foreign.  It's not scary.  It'll always be a part of her life and I can't even imagine what the technology will be by the time she's in high school, let alone when she's "my age."  (Did I really just write that???)
Progress and change are constant.  It's amazing to watch in the context of imagining the future and how it'll shape my daughter's future.  Cool stuff.  Even if it means she'll be laughing at me :-)

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